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Scholarship Students

The Anne Marie Deruyttere Indigenous Peoples Foundation is happy to introduce the following six indigenous individuals as recipients for fellowships for the 2021 Institute of International and European Studies “Francisco de Vitoria” of University of King Carlos III in Madrid (UC3M) and the Intercultural Indigenous University (UII) of Fund for the Development of Indigenous Communities in Latin America and the Caribbean (FILAC). This is the second year we have been able to sponsor exceptional students. With your help, this will become an annual tradition. The individuals selected hail from six different countries–Peru, Honduras, Colombia, Panama, Guatemala, and Ecuador–and six different indigenous groups.

Yanel Venado Jimenez

Comarca Ngabe-Bugle Nation, Panama

Indigenous People Ngäbe


First of all, I want to express my gratitude for this opportunity, since by my means it would have been impossible for me to achieve this goal. Ten years ago I graduated with my bachelor’s degree and it has been difficult for me to pursue a specialization because of how expensive it is, especially as a woman and livelihood from my home. At the same time grateful that indigenous women are often unable to achieve academic achievements before the age of 32 and, having eliminated the age requirement, I represent a joy for this opportunity.


The main importance is to train indigenous professionals and leaders, in the recognition of international legal instruments, defense processes and international participation mechanisms. It is very important to promote the capacities of Indigenous Peoples, especially technicians in Indigenous Rights, Human Rights and International Cooperation.

Javier Morales Trochez

Guambia, Silvia Cauca, Colombia

Indigenous People Misak (Guambiano)


From the historical memory of the Misak Indigenous People of Silvia Cauca, I have shared many community experiences at a social, cultural, political and educational level. From my contribution and natural empirical knowledge of my lands in order to rebuild Peace with social justice at the local, regional and national levels, it is tireless to continue defending life and rights. The Misak Indigenous people of Colombia as the main pioneer of the indigenous movement in Colombia and Latin America in a fight for our ancient and ancient rights within the framework of the Greater Duty and Right, the Law of Origin, Natural Law and enforcing the constitution’s Magna Carta. Colombian policy of 1991. As Misak people we have dimensioned and the slogan of Recovering the land to recover everything.

I have fourteen years of work experience in Education with management and development of educational projects in the Misak Territory, Silvia Cauca. A member of the Community Action Board of the Las Delicias and Sanfernando Veredas, Guambia reservation, Silvia Cauca, 2016 – 2020. A musician, athlete and expert in cultural processes, I am currently a student at the Kusreik Wing and at Misak University. I was governor of the Ala Kusreik Ya Misak University in the territory of Guambia between 2019 – 2020.

Alejandro Ramiro Chan Saquic

San Andrés Xecual, Totonicapán, Guatemala

Indigenous People Maya K’iche ’


Faced with the brutal processes of discrimination and racism to which the indigenous people of Guatemala have been subjected, as strategies, from my family we founded the Marimba Balam K’iche and from the age of 7 I began to perform the marimba as an act of resistance; At the age of 18, together with other friends, we co-founded a Cultural Organization whose purpose was to promote the rescue of the K’iche ‘Mayan culture. In academic experience, I am a co-founder of the Association of Political Scientists, Internationalists and Sociologists of Central America (APISCA); I am currently serving as a university professor and independent researcher on indigenous peoples issues; territory and land dispossession; and on issues of political systems compared for the construction of a Plurinational State. I have also had the experience of working in the municipal public administration.

Starting from the experience of community and academic life, the purpose that I pursue with this title of expert, goes in three axis:

• You enrich my knowledge about the rights of indigenous peoples to influence from the University and from research to advance in the full recognition of the collective rights of indigenous peoples. As well as obtaining job opportunities that focus on working with indigenous peoples.

• Advise organizations and indigenous social movements; and also politicians committed to the indigenous issue, to define and promote public policies in favor of indigenous peoples. My purpose is to found a center or institute for indigenous studies to have a greater impact.

• Build and manage a professional career that allows me to reach advocacy spaces of the United Nations, and join in promoting changes in favor of the indigenous peoples of Guatemala, Latin America and the world.

Angel Julio Manobanda Calero

Guanujo Ecuadorian Nationality

Indigenous People Kichwa – Waranka


The main contributions during the stage of my youth were the socialization in different parts of the community on the subject of territorial law and community development to guarantee and strengthen our environment and biodiversity that does not affect mining and oil exploitation in our communities. communities to preserve water and nature, is a present and future of our childhood and youth of good living. I have also conducted training and talks in communities on the prevention and eradication of violence against women seeking equal rights of equal gender in Ecuador. And constant struggles for health, economy and for our indigenous cultural identity for good living.

Fight for the defenses of the land and territories in counting transnational companies in our indigenous communities to preserve the environment and biodiversity, achieve and seek justice for the rights of indigenous peoples and nationalities, especially of women, that is to respect the resolutions taken by them. Seek and make international relations prevail with the State our indigenous rights of the Abya-Yala Continent in order to facilitate communication with other social sectors for the good life of our native peoples.

Shelley Beatriz Cabrera Gamarra

Birthplace Ayacucho-Huamanga-Ayacucho

Nationality Peru

Indigenous People Quechua


As delegate of Land and Territory of the Network of Indigenous Youth Organizations of Ayacucho Ñuqanchik Maronijei Noshaninka, we promote the promotion of indigenous youth organizations in Ayacucho, with regional and national incidence on land management issues, prior consultation and social conflicts, at the in spaces such as the Regional Conferences on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the Commission on the Status of Women, managing to propose the drafting of positioning documents from indigenous youth, in coordination with civil society and other movements of indigenous women. As General Coordinator of the Ñuqanchik Network we are promoting and strengthening grassroots organizational processes with indigenous identity, generation of economic enterprises based on cultural assets. My work in the indigenous movement seeks to consolidate the indigenous community strengthening with identity, respect, harmony and sovereignty to promote structural changes.

This Title of Expert in Indigenous Peoples will strengthen my knowledge, giving me the opportunity to learn from other brothers, who will strengthen my organizational leadership, with the firm commitment to share them at the organizational and community level with the Ñuanchik Maronijei Noshaninka Network, in order to promote and strengthen more grassroots leaderships, empowered in mechanisms for the defense of our territories and our indigenous peoples; Indigenous scholarships are an opportunity for individual training with community significance since we come from organizational and organic processes that contribute to the strengthening of the indigenous movement.

Wendy Yuleida Martínez Valerio

Place of birth Tela, Atlantida Honduran Nationality

Indigenous People Garifuna


I stood out as a promoter of ODECO in the Land and Territories Environment Project of the Garifuna Communities of Honduras, where various activities were carried out in the Garifuna communities for the protection of the environment. Also in the Defense Project in collective rights of Afro-Honduran communities in the process of land titling, in which more than 92 thousand hectares of land were titled in the various Garifuna communities Also, I worked on the project Strengthening Indigenous and Afro-Honduran Peoples and Racial Equality Policies, which was achieved before the government authorities in order to generate public policies in favor of the Garifuna communities.

Acquire knowledge on topics that help to carry out actions for the benefit of my Indigenous and Garifuna community, as well as replicate the knowledge acquired during the course with community leaders, also have the necessary tools to influence the government authorities with public policies that help the communities in various social aspects.


Foundation Matters

Why This Foundation?
As the world burns and covid-19 spreads, now more than ever we must look to indigenous communities. More self-sufficient that other communities, indigenous peoples’ knowledge on everything from living sustainably to traditional healing methods are necessary for human survival. This Foundation is devoted to the exchange of information between indigenous communities and the western world.

Who is Anne Marie Deruyttere?
A Belgian citizen, Anne worked for thirty years to bring indigenous peoples’ rights, lands, and communities to the attention of the international community. Trained as both an economist and an anthropologist, Anne was the first anthropologist hired by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in 1982. Before Anne, indigenous communities were disregarded by the IDB whenever projects and programs were designed. Yet her influence was so broad, indigenous peoples’ concerns, rights, and input was eventually included in the fundamental tenants of the bank’s replenishment in 1998.

Who Am I?
I was married to Anne from 1988 until her untimely death in 2018. She is finished working, but her work isn’t finished.

How Does This Foundation Operate?
We have established as a nonprofit entity in both the United States and Belgium. The operating expenses are 100% covered by my donations. We have assembled an international Board of Directors, who will review grant proposals to guide our efforts to have the most impact possible.

What Do We Fund?
We aim to provide funding to fill in the gaps that other sources cannot. For example, we recently funded six individuals to obtain training in indigenous expertise from King Carlos III University in Madrid, Spain (more on this initiative next blog). We will look to fund micro-enterprise start-ups for indigenous communities to allow them to produce and market arts and crafts.

Who Inspired Us?
Besides Anne, we build on the work done by indigenous leaders such as Carlos Mendes and Rigoberta Menchu. We also draw on the famed Belgian priest, Damien DeVeuster of Molokai, whose statue stands in the rotunda of the U.S. Capitol.

Call to Act
Join us by making a donation to continue our work. We provide funding to indigenous organizations or those working with indigenous organizations, so your money can have a direct impact on indigenous individuals. Help us fund the next indigenous entrepreneur or educate the next indigenous leader.